Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles Pt. 2

Whoever heeds instruction is on the path to life, but he who rejects reproof leads others astray. Proverbs 10:17 ESV

In the last post I mentioned that I would put some of these two theories together that seem most logical, but remember that it doesn’t mean it is true across the spectrum and in every situation. Look for the patterns that help lead you to the correct conclusion for each student. Don’t make an assumption based on the preferences of a Learning Style, that a student will possess strength in a similar intelligence and visa-versa.

With that said, I have attempted to categorize some of the Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences in the simplest form, realizing that these can be interspersed within each other. I simply want you to see how M.I. can fit alongside the Learning Styles for the ease of lesson planning. Some fit together quite logically and obviously; a student who is primarily Visual in their L.S. will most likely choose M.I. tasks which are Visual-Spatial. Remember however, no one fits into one box.

These are some example fits for the categories of L.S. and M.I.

Visual – Visual-Spatial Intelligence, Naturalist Intelligence

Social – Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence, Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence, Interpersonal Intelligence

Physical – Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence, Musical Intelligence

Aural – Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence, Musical Intelligence

Verbal – Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence, Musical Intelligence

Solitary – Intrapersonal Intelligence, Existential Intelligence

Logical – Mathematical-Logical Intelligence

I will add some reasoning behind these in the next post.

The best and easiest way to see where each student match up, in the general sense, is to give them an inventory test for L.S. and for M.I. Below is a short list of links for inventory tests.

 This site offers both tests and is catered to L.D. and ADHD students

You can print this one!

The site is my favorite. The M.I. inventory tests it put into a lesson plan that you can add to your objectives for the day/week. It also has links for L.S. too!

I do want you to understand that my point here is on learning, not simply creating a lesson using every M.I. to fit each child. Creating a lesson or lessons that cater to every M.I. is impractical and does not always fit every lesson every time. Again, you don’t want to box a child into one or two areas because of an inventory test or two. We want our students to be well-rounded; pay attention to how they learn and offer a couple of methods/options if appropriate.

How do your students line up? Do you see any patterns? Finding patterns in your student will greatly help in your lesson planning.

Blessing to you,


Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles

Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance  Proverbs 1:5 ESV

I have addressed a couple of types of Learning Styles and want to share the research of the others with you, but I am going to pause here to add some additional information about Multiple Intelligences and attempt to draw these two theories together in some respect. I also want to mention the differences that are often misconceived between the two.

All of us possess all of the Multiple Intelligences but they are demonstrated in varying degrees based on experience, culture, and motivation. One can have an appreciation for dance, but may not demonstrate the coordination or discipline to become a dancer; this would be a Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence. Much is the same with Musical Intelligence, one may enjoy singing but may not be able to carry a tune nor have the ambition to learn how to read music. Someone with a strong Mathematical-logical Intelligence would be able to calculate numbers in their head that most would take several minutes to work through if the numbers aren’t in front of them to see and work out on paper. I am not necessarily saying that this is intelligence based on this demonstration solely. Someone with a strong intelligence will be able to demonstrate the strengths of the intelligence on many levels and in many aspects.

I want to give you a simple statement as to how these two theories differ from each other. A Learning Style can be used across a spectrum of academics, it is a preference. Multiple Intelligences is based on potential, how it is used and developed as it is geared toward specific content.

As stated above, a Learning Style is a preference in a way one learns; this is not to say that other styles can’t be learned or acquired. The older we get the more we learn to adapt to our surroundings and expectations and in so doing, we develop other learning styles.

As we look at the two together, understanding that Learning Style preference, a student with a Physical L.S. may have a strong Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligences. So they will gravitate toward sports and can even excel in one or more particular sport or activity. Now, this isn’t to say that all students demonstrating a Physical L.S. will have that intelligence; it may simply mean that they have a lot of energy and movement helps them concentrate.

In the next post I will put some of these two theories together that seem most logical, but remember that it doesn’t mean it is true across the spectrum and in every situation. Look for the patterns that help lead you to the correct conclusion for each student. Don’t make an assumption based on the preferences of a Learning Style that a student will possess strength in a similar intelligence and visa-versa.

What is the Theory of Multiple Intelligences (M.I.)?

“An intelligence is the ability to solve problems, or create products, that are valued within one or more cultural settings.” Howard Gardner Frames of Mind (1983)

The following came from the cited web-page at the bottom. I want to put Learning Styles together with Multiple Intelligences so that you can see the correlation and incorporate them into your classroom with ease. I want to first have you see this simple introductory about each of the intelligences so you have a quick reference and then in latter posts I will connect them in parts so that the posts aren’t too lengthy. These are the Learning Styles I addressed in earlier posts: Visual, Social, Physical, Aural, Verbal, Solitary, and Logical.

Howard Gardner claims that all human beings have multiple intelligences. These multiple intelligences can be nurtured and strengthened, or ignored and weakened. He believes each individual has nine intelligences:

Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence — well-developed verbal skills and sensitivity to the sounds, meanings and rhythms of words

Mathematical-Logical Intelligence — ability to think conceptually and abstractly, and capacity to discern logical or numerical patterns

Musical Intelligence — ability to produce and appreciate rhythm, pitch and timber

Visual-Spatial Intelligence — capacity to think in images and pictures, to visualize accurately and abstractly

Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence — ability to control one’s body movements and to handle objects skillfully

Interpersonal Intelligence — capacity to detect and respond appropriately to the moods, motivations and desires of others.

Intrapersonal Intelligence — capacity to be self-aware and in tune with inner feelings, values, beliefs and thinking processes

Naturalist Intelligence — ability to recognize and categorize plants, animals and other objects in nature

Existential Intelligence — sensitivity and capacity to tackle deep questions about human existence, such as the meaning of life, why do we die, and how did we get here.

More Ideas to Create a Classroom Atmosphere for Learning Styles Pt.3

Get all the advice and instruction you can, so you will be wise the rest of your life.  ~ Proverbs 19:20, NLT

Here are some final thoughts about the classroom atmosphere for learning styles.

I mentioned the hard spaces in the classroom and have a couple more to address, but I will also include the soft spaces and other things around the classroom to consider.

Though many classrooms have carpet, it isn’t soft and comfy, it’s practical. Soft items generally need to be brought in.

·         A small couch if you have room and it is approved; an English teacher in one of the middle schools where I taught was able to do this and use it fairly among her students. She simply created a rotating schedule and allowed it to be used during work or reading time.

·         Floor pillows can be used in the same way. You may want to store them in a plastic garbage bag to help keep them dry and bug free. Use you room-mom by asking her to pick them up at the end of the week or every other week for a washing.

·         See if your Special Ed teacher or OT has a wiggle cushion or two that you can borrow. Many times they are used for kids with ADD or autism to help the “wiggles” when they are sitting in a chair. I had a student that fractured her tailbone and this was something that relieved the discomfort when she sat; she also used my high counter when she needed to stand for a while.

Did you ever consider your desk as a place you share with students? For me, that was a space for my stuff; the rest of the room contained all the items students would need for the day. I know possessive sounding, but I am a very organized person and I keep things that were off-limits to my students. Maybe some of you can relate. It was an approachable space for student, but they couldn’t help themselves to items in and around my desk.  

·         We all allow students to approach our desks when they have a question or need to check their work with us when we aren’t circulating the room. Kids need to know we are approachable while at our desks even if there are items or parts of our desks which are off-limits.

·         Allowing a student to sit near or behind your desk may help them concentrate on their work because they can’t see what is happening around the room .Pulling their desk up to yours won’t help because when you are there, they are paying attention to students coming to you and the work you are doing. Let them sit on the floor comfortably and out of sight from others. This is not a punishment, but a learning environment.

Addressing the window and lighting issues….

·         Everyone knows that good lighting is important. With that said; you my work in an energy star school and energy conservation may request that you turn lights out during the day. I had two set of lights in my room, one bay being brighter than the other. When I had all lights on it was very bright and gave some students headaches. I learned that my bright bay of lights worked for everyone in my room because the dimmer bay wasn’t bright enough and also gave students headaches. So, play with the lighting if you can, but always provide good lighting.

·         Some teachers like to bring in their own lights to bring in the warmer lighting we have in our houses. Whatever works for you and your students creates an atmosphere for good learning.

·         Some schools don’t allow for open windows due to climate controlled buildings. Sorry if this is where you are, fresh air is so nice to have if it is allowed.

·         Even if you can’t open the windows, consider how they work for you and your students. For some it is a distraction that brings on daydreaming (not always a bad thing if it gives your students an occasional brain rest). However, it is best to keep the students which are most distracted away from the windows.

·         Consider students who like space around them as good candidates for the window seats. They feel less “Claustrophobic” and feel they have more breathing space.

One last note:

Have sharp pencils ready every day. Do you have a student or few who are always sharpening their pencils? These kids like to be tidy in their writing and prefer a sharp pencil all the time.

·         If you have a time of day that you allow for pencil sharpening, mine was at the start of the day and after lunch, make certain students sharpen two pencils and then allow others to have a turn. Some students are fine with just two for the day.

·         I also make it one of my classroom jobs. I have one-two students sharpen a bin of pencils during those times so that anyone can grab a sharp pencil throughout the day. PS. I have two sharpeners in my room to speed up the process.

·         I have several hand-held sharpeners near the trash bin for quiet sharpening during the day.

·         You might want to keep an old sharpener designated for colored pencils. Colored pencils will clog-up and can ruin your sharpeners designated for just regular pencils. The handhelds are good for this purpose too.

This ends my posts on classroom environment. If you have others, please add them in the comment section. Thanks!

More Ideas to Create a Classroom Atmosphere for Learning Styles Pt.2

And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. Deuteronomy 6:6-7
Here are some more ideas to make your classroom more conducive to the learning styles.

The classroom has far more hard spaces than it does soft spaces so let’s take a moment to look at how some hard spaces fit into the day.

 Many newer classrooms have counter space. Some have moveable cabinets and some have stationary ones around the edges of the room. Of course we think to use these with space management in mind, but consider how they can help a student.

Set out the manipulatives for the day so students can see what is available to use. I know many teachers who use centers and if you are one of those teachers the manipulatives are probably out for the day. Upper grades don’t use centers as often so they need to think about aiding the students in this area. If your drawers or bins are clearly marked with the materials they hold then you may not need to use your counter space in this manner.

If you have high counters, you might want to think about allowing students to stand at the counter and work. This is helpful if a student refers to a helping poster in your room for the lesson. It puts them in proximity to the poster and gives them ample space to work. Some of your more fidgety student may just need a change in their routine and standing gets the blood flowing. Remember, movement is good for blood flow to the brain.

Allow students to work on the floor, laid out on their bellies or possibly leaning against one of the counters with a lap pad.

  • I had a counter high cabinet with a long top drawer; the drawer held some of my math manips and was opened after the lesson for use.Two of my boys sat under the drawer but were out-of-the-way of students walking up to grab items from the drawer. I believe this gave them a sense of privacy, the feeling of lowering the ceiling gave them a comfortable space to work. 
  • I had another one of my boys lay on the floor to take his tests. We had a discussion on how to reduce test anxiety and this was his way. He faced away from the class and it made him feel at ease and able to work within his own time frame.
  •  My only suggestions is to not let them work under the desks, it is not a good space, it is too cramped, and does not lend to good lighting.

Be sure to allow students the use of floor space that is designated for group time for individual and small group work too. This is probably common among most of us, we know the kids like the floor space and so we open it up to give space to the kids as they work.

In the next post I will finish up space around the room and add in a few other tips for your room and students.

5 Simple Ideas to Create a Classroom Atmosphere for Learning Styles Pt.1

Deuteronomy 4:9 “Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children’s children—

Look around your room and begin to notice all of the places and objects that make your room conducive to the learning styles. Do you see them?

  • Perhaps you have a table in the back for small group reading time. This is the perfect spot to send students who need to talk through the process of the lesson.
  • How about headsets? Aural learners sometimes have the need to block out ambient noise; allow them to grab a pair when they feel they need them to concentrate better on their work.
  • Manila folders make great privacy dividers. Some kids need to feel that their space is just that; THEIR SPACE. Others need it to block out distraction of movement in the room. When appropriate allow them that privacy in their work time. You will find this in your solitary learning style kids as well as some visual learners.

Small things can make a big difference.

  • The smell of the room can also create a calming or energizing atmosphere. Adding some plug-in air fresheners can bring in any scent you want to create.
    • Peppermint wakes up the senses and alerts the brain. Have you heard that mints given at test time can keep kids focused and moving forward on test? It’s true. I always have mints on big test days.
    • I also tell the kids to have orange juice and peanut butter toast or an apple for breakfast. Fiber and protein keep the hunger away, a bit of natural sugar gets things revved up in the morning not to mention, it also wakes up the brain and keeps it focused.
    • The smell of orange is another energizing scent.
    • For a calming effect use something with eucalyptus in it.
    • To just freshen up the room, especially in the middle grades, use a scent of clean linen or the outdoors.

As with smells, sound can work the same way.

  • There are many great music CD’s you can use to create the same atmosphere as the scents. The music teacher will have some good suggestion and you may want to start there. Choose music without words to deter distractions and sing-alongs!

I will add more in the next post. Feel free to add some things that you use in your classroom to the comments.

How to Tap Into Learning Styles for Home and Classroom Pt. 4

“The mind of the wise acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.” Proverbs 18:15

Here are some strategies for you to use for the last four Learning Styles. There is some overlap in strategies and you will probably see that your students will fall into more than one style where they overlap.

Verbal learners love to read; in fact you may have trouble tearing them away from a book once they are reading. Because of this love for reading, they immerse themselves in very rich written language and in return they are good writers too. They are good with word play and easily pick up on new vocabulary. They will use this new vocabulary in their writing as they become comfortable with it. They know the meaning of many words and will question what a word means if it is new to them. They are talkers; where Aurals talk to hear themselves as they learn, i.e. read aloud, Verbals talk through steps or procedures. Verbal learners talk with knowledge.They may want to work with a similar partner or group so they can “discuss” the content.

Logical learners are mathematical and see patterns in just about everything. They like order, lists, and use systematic approaches in their learning. They like games that challenge their thinking and are great at building puzzles, Legos, and models. They are curious learners and wonder how something works or is put together. They can easily get caught up in the process and while they may look busy, they aren’t moving toward the goal at hand.

Social learners, you would think are the talkers, however they are very good listeners too. They like to work in groups and when they work on their own, will check in with the teacher to make sure they are on track. They don’t have often come to the teacher with a question about understanding, they just have a need to interact and so they check in without the need. They show empathy, are problem solvers, and like to bounce ideas off of peers. They are team players and enjoy those kinds of sports activities.

Solitary learners are reflective and like to really put some thought into what they are working on. They prefer to work on their own and rely on themselves to get the work done. They don’t always trust that other members in the group will do their part and they tend to do some of the work of others to make sure that everything is complete. They are independent and like to have “think time” before answering a question or starting their work. They want to know how their learning relates to their life and world. They are the ones to ask, “Why do we need to learn this?” They want to know why it matters and this is where learning objectives come in to play.

These are the last four learning styles of the seven in this series. Let me know how these strategies work for you in your classroom.

How to Tap Into Learning Styles for Home and Classroom Pt. 3

Proverbs 3:5-6

5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will direct your paths.

Now that you have had the chance to take the test and perhaps have your students take it; I want to give you some helpful suggestions that your students can do independently after you have taught your lesson. It is difficult to change a teaching style because you teach the way you learn, however, you can give your students options and as you learn from these different styles you will be able to tweak your lessons to help with all the learning styles. So, I am not here to tell you how to teach your lessons; I want to give you the tips and tools that are in your classroom to help your students complete and understand the lessons.

Since these Learning Styles focus on the senses, I am going to concentrate my discussion there. We will focus on environment in another post.

Visual learners want to “see” the lesson. Use your white board for words, numbers, and pictures; if you have a computer that projects to a screen or a smart board, even better. Find ways to give your students a visual of the lesson being taught. This is one of the most common ways of teaching in the elementary school. In middle schools and even more in high schools, lecture is the main focus of a lesson. By adding a few key words, phrases, or diagrams to the white board allows visual learners to focus in on the lesson because they have a connection that is being made in their mind.

Visual learners may have several colored highlighters or pens out. They underline, highlight and doodle on their pages. Let them! They may choose to have manipulatives out as they are working but may not touch them. For the visual learning it is about seeing, picturing and imagining.


Kinesthetic/Physical learners not only need to move, they need to work with “things.” Have manipulatives available, such as counters, number-lines, whiteboards, markers etc. Kinesthetic learners need sensory motivation, they are very tactile; some things are texture issues and some are stimuli. Allow Kinesthetics to get up and move after a lesson. Sometimes just getting up for a tissue or allowing them to work standing up will help calm the fidgetiness that they are feeling. Give students an opportunity to stretch, some will some wont, that’s ok. The ones that don’t, may want to get out the supplies for the lesson work and that is movement enough. Also, deep breathing can help calm and refocus their minds back to learning.

Auditory/Aural learners need to talk everything out; want peer and group work and can thrive when given the proper instructions/objectives for the group goals. They also tend to talk to themselves so that they hear their own thinking. However, if they need to focus on work, sound is incredibly distracting because they will tune into the noise instead of the work in front of them. Think about offering headphones to Auditory learners who need to tune out ambient noise around the room. They enjoy sounds and even learn to music, but it can also be a distraction when not used for a learning purpose.  Allow them to come up with mnemonics if they can, or if you know some, use them in the lesson to help them make a connection (HOMES – names of the Great Lakes – Heron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior).  Auditory learners are very good with word play because they enjoy sounds and playing with sounds.

These are the first three of seven. I will add the next four in another post. Until then, try a few of these tips with your students and let me know how it goes. Did you find other ways to implement strategies for these learning styles? Please share in the comments.

How to Tap Into Learning Styles for Home and Classroom Pt. 2

Get all the advice and instruction you can, so you will be wise the rest of your life.~ Proverbs 19:20, NLT

These are the scores from my test. I have taken these types of test before so my scores are no surprise to me. I have three strong strengths and a couple minor ones. As you can see, I use all learning styles and it usually depends on the task.

The scores are out of 20 for each style. A score of 20 indicates the style is used often.

Style Scores

Visual 16

Social 9

Physical 16

Aural 6

Verbal 10

Solitary 13

Logical 16

  • Visual (spatial). You prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding.

I do prefer using images, pictures, colors, diagrams and maps to organize information and to communicate my thoughts. I can easily visualize objects, room plans and design ideas. I sew and I can take a look at a piece of fabric and see the finished product. I also have a good spatial sense, which means I have a good sense of direction.

I use underlining, highlighting, and jotting notes adding stars or check marks. I like an organized space with color supporting my organization. I have a good sense of furniture placement and color coordination.

When I teach, I use a lot of visuals. I circle, underline, draw awful pictures (I am not an artist), I use charts and pictures. I love the white board and all of the color markers I can use in my lessons.

If I was dominant in any style, I would have thought it would be this one. I talk with my hands no matter what the situation! I am a mover; I don’t like to sit in one place for long and like to keep busy when I am. I am also tactile, which means the feel of things factors into my learning. When I shop I feel the fabric because that means as much to me as the look of an object. Gardening and sewing are some of my favorite activities because I am moving and manipulating the items I have selected. I read and listen to podcast and think out problems while I exercise. I would rather go for a walk or clean the house if something is bothering me.

However, because I am also visual, if I am not comfortable with a project, I will seek out plans, drawings and instructions instead of just jumping in and working with the objects.

I am a logical thinker. I look for patterns and connections to help me understand and learn content.

I don’t typically work out problem in my head because I am visual and kinesthetic I like to see and work through calculations. However, I am very systematic; I create charts and lists and organize my routines very precisely so I use my time constructively.

I use examples from research or from information I have read to back up my statements. I am not always grammatically correct, but I can usually pick it out when I hear or see it is incorrect.

I know, strange for a teacher. I earned my Masters online and now I am blogging. Remember, this is one of my learning styles and it is a 13/20 so I would consider it a minor strength.  I decided to pull the statement below directly from the information on the test results site because it explains me quite well in this style.

“If you have a solitary style, you are more private, introspective and independent. You can concentrate well, focusing your thoughts and feelings on your current topic. You are aware of your own thinking, and you may analyze the different ways you think and feel.

You spend time on self-analysis, and often reflect on past events and the way you approached them. You take time to ponder and assess your own accomplishments or challenges…

You like to spend time alone. You may have a personal hobby. You prefer traveling or holidaying in remote or places, away from crowds.

You feel that you know yourself. You think independently, and you know your mind. You may have attended self-development workshops, read self-help books or used other methods to develop a deeper understanding of yourself.

You prefer to work on problems by retreating to somewhere quiet and working through possible solutions. You may sometimes spend too much time trying to solve a problem that you could more easily solve by talking to someone.

You like to make plans and set goals.”

I am not dominant in any one category so I don’t have all of the strengths in one category; this is a good thing in my profession. I also know I need to have an understanding of each of the learning styles in order to help my students identify their strengths and to know that they may have many and are able to look at a problem or a lesson in many ways in order to gain understanding from it.

After taking the test for yourself, did you find that you understood yourself a bit better? Think of how our students will feel when they discover their learning styles.

In the next few posts I will offer classroom, homework, and lesson ideas to help you and your students use the learning styles to achieve the objectives in each lesson.

7 Tips for Back to School Preparation

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work:  If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!

As a teacher, I can tell you that the first few days of school are just as frantic for us and they are for you. To help you and to help your child’s/children’s teachers here are a few good things to remember.

1. A LOT of informational papers will be coming home in those first few days! EMPTY your child’s/children’s backpack daily! I cannot stress this enough. Kids don’t remember to give you everything that has been handed to them throughout the day.

2. On Back to School or Open House night, some teachers will place a notebook out for you to add your email and contact information. Yes, I know it is in the files upon registration, but it is so helpful to have it right on hand in one spot. Even better, email the teacher within that first week of school and they can put you right into their classroom address book.

3. If you think you have missed something, you probably have. Students are given class jobs to give them a sense of responsibility and classroom ownership, not to mention what a great help it is to the teacher. Things get missed. If you email the teacher on regular basis to “check in” you will get any information that may be missed.

4. Look on the school website and see if there is a newsletter you can sign up to receive to your inbox. They are packed with general school and district information. Also see if the teacher has a webpage linked to the school website. You can find direct classroom information there.

5. Looking to volunteer? Send the teacher an email of days, times and where you are comfortable helping out. Here are a few to get you thinking:

a. Filing-some love to have you help them organize, others are fine doing it themselves so don’t feel offended if you aren’t ask to help in this area.

b. Reading with a group of students.

c. Helping with a math group

d. Cutting out bulletin board object and even creating the bulletin board

e. Creating and keeping up with the class newsletter.

f. Room mom/helper for parties and such

g. Field trip group mom

h. Make copies (if the school allows)

6. Remember that the teacher has at least 25-32 students in their room and if something gets missed, they didn’t mean it, it is a busy day, every day. We genuinely love each kid and want them to reach their full potential. Your support is appreciated more than you know.

7. Be involved in your child’s/children’s education. You are the biggest influence in their lives.

Welcome back to another school year, make it the best one yet!

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