Unglued-Webcast from Author Lysa Terkeurst

“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.”

Psalm 19:14  NLT

I watched a webcast last night from a women’s conference and wanted to share some links with you. It was a terrific conversation from Author and President of Proverbs 31 Ministries, Lysa Terkeurst, some of the women DJ’s from KLOVE. Lysa wrote Made to Crave and has a new book out called Unglued. She is open about her struggles with how she and we react to conflict. She talks about the 4 reactions we may go through when conflicts occur in our life, even the small daily things that drive us to the point of coming “unglued.”

The webcast is being re- broadcast through KLOVE so that you have a chance to catch the first in her short series of webcasts.

I read Lysa’s blog this morning and found out that the server crashed from so many signing in; thanks to KLOVE and Lysa it can be seen anytime you want to view it.

There is a free sign in to watch the first webcast here: http://www.klove.com/ministry/unglued.aspx

Lysa also has daily inspirations that you can sign up and receive called, No More Unglued Mama Mornings or take The 5 Day Unglued Challenge.

Even though my children are grown, daily conflicts occur and I am sure that there will be helpful insights that go beyond the “mama zone.”

May these ministries bless you as they have blessed me. Have a peaceful, wonderful day.

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