Learning Styles-Carl Jung/Myers-Briggs Theory Pt. 4

Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance, Prov. 1:5 ESV

So let’s dig into the Mastery style of learning. Remember, these are the Sensing-Thinking learners; realistic, matter-of-fact, and practical. These students will complete their work in an organized and efficient manner. They have materials in place and are ready to get to work. You will probably see organization in their desk even if it isn’t always tidy!

They focus on the “things”; they like hands-on learning, and are project oriented. They don’t like to plan and bounce ideas around as much as they like to get straight to the task-at-hand. So you may not see outlines and story boards and idea clouds; they know the plan in their head and don’t want to waste their time planning it on paper.

They enjoy working and will always want to be busy, but may want to get out of their seats to do so. Movement is the key, even if it is seat work; so reading, writing, math; keep their hands busy and they will produce results. They are results driven and will want to please, they may check-in to see if they are on track just for some movement, but also for feedback, that’s what drives them!

They are the learners that ask “What?” and “How?” They prefer step by step instruction, but if it is too long they lose interest. They want the directions precise and to the point. They like structure and want to master the task. They like right or wrong answers rather than vague interpretations. They are motivated by competition even if the prize is a good grade!

Here is a great list I took from the book So Each May Learn. I mentioned this in the first post on this subject. I highly recommend it as it has great charts, visuals, and ways to integrate all of this into your classroom.

Sensing-Thinking or Mastery Learners

Prefers to learn by:

  • ·         Seeing tangible results
  • ·         Practicing what he/she has learned
  • ·         Following directions one step at a time
  • ·         Being active rather than passive
  • ·         Knowing exactly what is expected of him/her, how well the task must be done and why

Learns best by:

  • ·         Drill
  • ·         Demonstration
  • ·         Practice
  • ·         Hands-on experience


  • ·         Doing things that have immediate, practical use
  • ·         Being acknowledged for thoroughness and detail
  • ·         Praise for prompt and complete work
  • ·         Immediate feedback (rewards, privileges, etc.) 


  • ·         Completing tasks in which there is no practical uses
  • ·         Activities with complex directions
  • ·         Open-ended activities without closure or pay-off
  • ·         Activities that focus on feelings or intangible results

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