Learning Styles-Carl Jung/Myers-Briggs Theory Pt. 2

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.  Proverbs 3:5-6

Continuing from the last post on Carl Jung’s Theory of Learning Styles; let’s continue with the Judgment Functions. The two judgment functions are thinking and feeling and they help one put to use the perception functions, sensing and intuition.

Thinkers are objective, use logic and reason to analyze decision making. They are rational and use order and organization in situations when making a decision. They are uncomfortable in emotional situations. Everything can be treated rationally and they don’t need the approval from others when making decisions.

As suspected; feelers are subjective, allowing personal perspectives to develop. Decisions are based on values and personal beliefs, likes, and dislikes. They look for human connections that make life rich and meaningful. They make decisions with their hearts, they like to bounce ideas off of others and give purpose to decision making. Everything is personal and they look for approval from their peers.

This post was a bit shorter, but check out the site below for thinking and feeling to see where you fall in the spectrum.

Self-assessment (judgment)

What is your preference when it comes to thinking and feeling? When you make a decision, do you rely more on logic and objectivity (thinking) or do you go on how the situation feels to you (feeling)? Are you somewhere in-between or do you fall closer to one side than the other? Thinking_________________Feeling

If you need more questions to help you figure out where you are in the judgment preferences try this site

In the next few posts I will put them together to explain the four learning styles and how to put them to use in the classroom.

As a side note, I have come to discover over my first year of blogging, as much as I enjoy the research and sharing, I am not going to put pressure on myself to stay on a schedule just to get a post out. I want the post to have meaning and purpose; being well thought-out and written, would we expect any less from our students?

Blessings to you,


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